

Wednesday 18 April 2012

My Little Brotha has just loved Hey! Say! JUMP

Minna i wanna tell ya about something
I dont know why
But it made me get confussed :o

So, a few days ago i saw my lil bro watched all Hey! Say! JUMP 's video that i have
Surprised? Yes, i say!
Hahaha i think my lil bro has just loved 'em!
Well, it was my first time i knew if my lil bro could love boyband
And if im not wrong (just my imagination, maybe) he loves Chinen Yuuri too!
Bcs when i asked him to watched that video together, he knew who Chinen Yuuri like was.
やっぱり、Feel so happy that tiime :D

Maybe this post not too important to you guys hehehe gomenne minna >.<
okee time to dreaming about Chinen Yuuri like last night
Nanchatte! ^o^
Well, time to study, bcs tommorow i hv to go to school after holiday -.-
And yuri-kun have to study too hahaha :P
Jaa, mata ne minna!



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