

Friday 23 August 2013

Myojo Magz, October 2013 [Chinen Yuri's Part]

Q. 生まれ変わったらなりたい7メンバーは?
If you were to be reborn, which 7 member do you want to be?

Chinen Yuri → Chinen Yuri

In the end i wanna be me (laughs).

It's because i'm satisfied with myself.

I don't wanna change my face and reflexes

Even if i do get reborn many times,

i believe i'd still be Chinen Yuri - an idol who entered Johnny's.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Johnny's Film Festa 2013

Date: Aug 1 - Sept 1
Location: Tokyo Dome City Hall
Time: 10:00 AM, 3:00 PM, 7:00 PM
Ticket reservation: July 15 at http://l-tike.com/

The story:
One day, Joushima visited the dressing room of Hey!Say!JUMP while they were waiting for a recording of a program. He said, “Your debut’s license from Johnny’s office expires in five years. However, your seniors have gone through the same so I’ll give you the same chance.
"Johnny’s Island, also called the island of licenses, is where you can go through challenges to renew your license."
So, the members of Hey!Say!JUMP goes to this “license island" with Joushima in the lead. Here they will meet various artists (talents) of Johnny’s who are active in the elements of entertainment, divided distinctly into “stage/theater/arena", “movie", “music" and “TV".

Groups are divided according to:
TV MC Group
Kokubun Taichi (Tokio)
Inohara Yoshihiko (V6)
Sakurai Sho (Arashi)
Kamenashi Kazuya (KAT-TUN)

Movie Star groups
Okada Junichi (V6)
Ninomiya Kazunari (Arashi)
Ikuta Toma

Drawing Corner*
Professor Ohno Satoshi (Arashi)
Assistant Professor Yasuda Shota (Kanjani8)

(c) allthingsarashi
(c) sarachii

Sunday 21 July 2013

[ 真紅の音 -Think note- ] VOL 6: Smile

Today i bring you Ryosuke's think note again.

(c) yamadasu @tumblr

"The songs of people I don’t even know the names of, those voices can bring a smile on my face."

An idol should always be smiling. Always having to bear with that stereotype. Also, what was seen after throwing away worries. It is that smiles can only be born from other smiles.


What makes me smile is the time I spend with people who are important to me. For example, Daichan (Arioka). (T/N: Why is it not Yuri? *cry*) When I’m with Daichan, we’re always laughing. A while ago, when we went to the game center together, I found a machine with ghost straps. I just casually took a look, and there was a strap of a ghost called "Gashadokuro" that I really wanted. There were 30 different ones, so while turning the handle, I thought that I could never get that one. As expected, one with a weird horse face came out. My excitement went down in an instant… Then, Daichan said: “I’ll try to get it!", and somehow he managed to get Gashadokuro on the first shot! We were both really happy, and I went home carrying two straps. To me Daichan, who can get excited about such a trivial thing, is like a shining sun that can make me smile.

When I was little, I was smiling a lot. When I was a Jr, I think I was often smiling in magazines. In front of a camera and fans I should always be smiling. I know that’s one of the important things about being an idol, but there where times when I was told to smile in front of a camera, but I couldn’t smile from my heart. This job touches a lot of people, in good and in bad. There are people who find me cool, but of course there are also a lot of people who don’t, and I’ve seen and heard insults from people like that. Since I’m doing a job where I appear in front of people, it’s inevitable. It’s obvious there are people with different opinions. Even though I know that, I’m also a human, so I get hurt, and there are also times when I became afraid of showing a smile. However, I know that I look far from perfect or that I’m not a great singer or actor, but I just want people to know that I’m doing it with all my might. It’s not that I think it’s ok to be bad at acting, I’m working hard so that I wouldn’t be. I hate people who say negative things to those who are working hard to do their best. (T/N: Yeah, me too Ryochan!) There’s not a meaner act than saying something irresponsible, no matter how much the person makes effort. Sometimes just a few careless words said without thinking can change a life. On the contrary, I don’t like when people who are already doing their best are told: “Do your best!" Probably for those who are working hard, it makes them happiest and brings them power just having someone watching over them with a smile.

Lately I’m into a site where people have uploaded videos of themselves singing. It became popular among JUMP members some time ago, so I started watching them too. (T/N: I wonder who is it, who became popular among JUMP members T_T) I can become happy listening to those people. It’s not just because they’re good at singing. When I look at them singing enthusiastically in their rooms looking all happy, it shows that they’re really enjoying life. No matter how trivial, I can smile looking at people who are doing something enjoying it from their hearts. I’m also in a place where I should make many people enjoy themselves, so I should be like that as well.

The shine of the countless penlights seen from the stage during a concert, it’s like all of those are looking towards us, smiling. As long as those irreplaceable “flower smiles" keep blooming, I can keep smiling no matter what.

Monday 8 July 2013

Wink Up - August 2013 [NYC's Part]

Hello, minna-san!
Hari ini aku membawa translate-an lagi nih :D
Kali ini tentang NYC, mereka ditanyai mengenai cewek, jadi aku langsung ingin mentranslate-kan nya haha
Oh iya, maaf kalau ada kalimat yang salah, aku agak bingung merangkai kata2nya -__-
Jadi correct me if i wrong, oke?
Yuri di sini kelihatan fanboy BANGET haha dan.. aku bener-bener melting baca ini ❤

↓ Eng version 
(c) hsjaddiction@LJ
Q1. 彼女の前で「いいカッコしい」は誰っぽい?
Kepada siapakah seorang cewek akan mengatakan [Dia terlihat keren] di depan grup (NYC)?

Ryosuke: オレ。オレだよ、オレオレ
Aku. Pasti aku. Aku aku!

Yuri: 涼介。女の子のまえでキメてる涼介を陰から見て「やっぱりね!」って言いたい。ギャグ言ったりしてる涼介、想像できない!
Ryosuke. Cewek itu pasti akan memilih Ryosuke, dari belakangnya saja aku sudah tahu dan ingin berkata [sudah ku duga!]. Ryosuke lalu akan mengatakan lelucon, dan aku tidak bisa membayangkan situasi ini!

Yuma: オレ。知ったかもするし、たぶん強がる。そしてのち のち後悔する。
Aku. Aku tahu itu, tapi mungkin itu bohong. Lalu tak lama kemudian aku akan menyesali pilihanku. 


Q2. 超~~霊感の強い彼女。どうつきあう?
Cewek yang benar-benar~~bisa melihat hantu. Bagaimana kau akan pergi dengannya?

Ryosuke: 「大丈夫。全然気にしないから」と彼女には言いつつ、正直、めっちゃ怖い。ムリして、明るい空気を作る。
Aku akan bilang padanya [Tak apa. Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan] meskipun aku juga akan bilang kalau ini benar-benar menakutkan. Agak tidak mungkin, tapi aku akan mencoba membuat suasana yang nyaman.

Yuri: 霊感とかまったくないので「これで幽霊と のコネクションができた!」と喜ぶ。そんな霊感の強い彼女と一緒でも見えなかったらショック!
Aku tidak peduli dengan keahliannya bahkan jika dia berkata, [Aku sudah melakukan koneksi dengan hantu ini!] aku malah akan senang. Cewek yang bisa lihat hantu ini akan bersama denganku meskipun aku tidak bisa melihat hantu itu sendiri!

Yuma: 自分も霊感あるから、ふたりで怖い体験話をしあう。霊とのになってもらう。
Aku juga bisa lihat hantu, jadi kita berdua akan saling bercerita tentang pengalaman menyeramkan yang pernah kita lalui. Kita juga bisa menerima arwah itu. (?)


Q3. 彼女のために歌いたい、ジャニーズLOVEソングは?
Demi cewek yang ingin mendengar kamu bernyanyi, kamu mau menyanyikan lagu LOVE dari Johnnys apa? 

Ryosuke: 恥ずかしいから、絶対に歌わない。ムリムリムリムリ。
Karena itu hal yang memalukan, aku tidak akan menyanyi. Tidak bisaaaaaaa.

Yuri: 嵐の「One Love]。100年先も愛を誓っちゃう。この曲大好き!この曲を好きな子の前で歌えたら、ホントに幸せ。
"One Love" nya Arashi. Aku bersumpah 100 tahun dari sekarang aku akan mencintaimu. Aku suka lagu ini! Aku akan menyanyikan lagu ini untuk cewek yang aku suka, aku sangat senang.

Yuma: SMAPの「ライオンハート」。’薬箱さ’の部分を連呼する。ここが一番大好き!小さいころは意味がわからんかったけど、大人になってわかった!
"Lion Heart" nya SMAP. Aku akan mengulang bagian "Kotak obat"nya. Bagian ini adalah favorit nomor 1 ku! Saat aku masih kecil aku belum mengerti maksudnya itu, tapi saat aku sudah besar aku bisa memahaminya!


Q4. 自分の結婚式に、ふたりを呼ぶ?スピーチや余興の歌とか頼む?
Dalam upacara pernikahanmu, akankah kamu mengundang dua member yang lainnya (NYC)? Apakah kamu akan meminta pidato atau lagu dari mereka untuk hiburannya?

Ryosuke: 呼ぶ。静かに参加されるよりは、大騒ぎして荒らしてほしい。ちなみに、スピーチはハッシー(橋本良亮)に頼む。絶対、笑いが取れる。
Ya. Aku ingin membuat upacara yang tenang menjadi ramai karena kedatangan mereka. Ngomong-ngomong, aku akan meminta pidato dari Hashimoto Ryosuke. Aku pasti akan tertawa karena pidatonya.

Yuri: 呼ぶ!涼介にはスピーチ、優馬には二次会を盛りあげてもらう。なんだったら、ジャニーズの人たちいっぱい来てほしい!嵐に来てもらえたらうれしいけど、 きっとめちゃめちゃ忙しいだろうから、ビデオメッセージでも幸せ。ハデな結婚式がいいから、テレビで生中継もいいな。
Ya! Ryosuke yang akan berpidato, Yuma juga akan berpidato setelah pesta. Aku berharap, banyak dari Johnnys yang datang! Aku akan senang jika Arashi datang, tapi kan mereka benar-benar sibuk, jadi mungkin jika mereka memberiku video message aku akan senang.

Yuma: 呼ぶ。ご祝儀さもらう。それはそれはもう、たくさん。
Ya. Aku ingin mendapat hadiah pernikahan dari mereka, aku ingin mendapat banyak hadiah.


Jika kamu harus memilih 1 grup untuk belajar dari mereka, kamu ingin menjadi member grup mana? Apa yang ingin kamu lakukan?

Ryosuke: KinKi Kids。最多人数のJUMPもやってる人間としては、二人組ってどんな感じなのかを味わってみた。NYCの3人とは、また違うはず!
KinKi Kids. Kebanyakan member JUMP iri dengan mereka, aku ingin tahu bagaimana rasanya menyanyi duet. Pasti rasanya berbeda dengan 3 member di NYC!

Yuri: 嵐に決まってるだ ろ!でもそれは当たり前すぎるから、嵐以外だったらA.B.C-Z! 塚ちゃんと一緒に、すごいアクロバット技に挑戦したい。
Sudah pasti Arashi, ya kan! Tapi karena ini mungkin akan di lewati, jadi aku akan memilih A.B.C-Z! Ryo-chan dan aku memiliki kemampuan akrobat yang keren, aku ingin berduel dengannya.

Yuma: 嵐。国立競技場でのコンサートに出て、最後ちゃっかり6人で手を繋いで「オレたちが、嵐~~~~!」と言ってみたい。
Arashi. Saat konser di Japan Sport Council sudah selesai, kami berenam akan bergandengan tangan dan berkata [Oretachi ga, Arashi~~~~!]

[ 真紅の音 -Think note- ] VOL 5: Family

I know you guys are thinking of [Where do i can find the other members'?] or [Why is it just Yamada's?], aren't you?
If you ask me so, my answer will be [I don't know!]
because as far as i know, Myojo only has Yamada's, and this corner maybe is JUST for him.
So please don't ask me whether the link of the others' or whatsover.
but, let's hope Myojo will also ask the others (JUMP members) to write it, so we can know what they're really thinking about and also their real life :)
happy reading!

(c) yamadasu @ tumblr

20th Birthday. “I’m sorry" from mother.

Born May 9th 1993 at 11.13pm, as the middle son of the Yamada family. Given the name “Ryosuke", the young boy being brought up by loving parents, grew up to be a kindhearted young man who treasures his family more than anything else.


My dad has spent so much time with us, that I wonder if there’s another father who spends this much time with his children. We weren’t rich, but when me and my sisters were born, we got things like yearly passes for the amusement park, and he took us there hundreds of times. Once, when my dad was working as a train conductor, when I heard the announcement “The next station is—" with my dad’s voice, I went all the way to the last car to see him. Totally different from the dad spending time with me on his days off, the working dad looked somehow really cool.

(And this part is my fav part xD )
My mom is a person who lives for the family, so much that she won’t even buy things she would want for herself. Although sometimes she talks about a dream of going to Bali and visit an Asian shop that she loves. Mom has never been on an airplane or shinkansen. That’s why, she didn’t even know that there’s an aisle between the train seats, and when told about it she just replied that “Well no-one wouldn’t get pass so you couldn’t sit!" (laugh) One day I want to ride a shinkansen together with her, and also take her to Bali.

My older sister is stubborn and short-tempered. Sometimes she makes fun of me and uses bad language, but actually she really takes me into consideration. Around a year ago when she was having dinner with a lot of friends, suddenly they started talking about me. They didn’t know that I was her brother, and when they started badmouthing me, suddenly she got angry and yelled: “He’s not like that!" When I heard this from my mom, I was happy that she protects her little brother so much I didn’t even know.

Lastly, my younger sister. On magazine interviews I often talk about her, or when I go overseas for work I never fail to buy her souvenirs, I’ve been called to have a sister complex (laugh). That’s how cute she is. She always supports me, and when we’re talking by mail, lastly she always says “Do your best with work!" If my performance hasn’t been good, she directly says it. I’m like the mood-maker of the family, so when I’m doing work far away and I’m not at home, she misses me. I’m always carrying an old picture of us three siblings in my wallet. When I look at it, I think that I have to do my best for my family.

On the night of my 20th birthday, I got a present from my family. A picture book about how it’s important to live being yourself. When turning the pages until the end, there were messages written by my family. From my younger sister: “Ryosuke is an older brother I’m really proud of", from my older sister: “Thank you for supporting our family", and from mom: “I’m happy that you grew up so wonderful. I’m sorry for making you go through hard times". I got into the entertainment world because of my mom, so when I’m having a hard time with work, she blames herself and keeps apologizing time after time. However, I’m thankful for what I’ve encountered doing this work. That’s why I can be a loyal son by continuing this job. Mom lead me here, and I want to go on and repay it to her.

If there is a God, what would I wish for? I don’t like the thought of relying on God only when you’re troubled. But this is something that I wish everyday. I wish all the best for my family, the most wonderful family in the world,


"All the best for my family." -Ryosuke


Thursday 4 July 2013

2nd Show of #KonserJKT48 at Tennis Indoor Senayan Jakarta

まぁー, karena ini sudah jam 00:18 jadi ini pagi hari haha
Sudah lama nggak ngepos disini, you know la~
Aku jadi sibuk sekarang *ceileh*
Sibuk apaan? Sibuk mindahin barang dari Semarang ke Jakarta *pindah rumah*, sibuk tidur juga HAHA
oke daripada basa-basi mending langsung menuju topik

Kemarin, 4 Juli 2013 aku datang ke #KonserJKT48 yeeeyyy *dansu*
Sebenarnya, tidak ada rencana sama sekali untuk menonton konser itu
Karena apa? Aku nunggu gratisan tiket dari kakak sepupuku BUKAN! Karena harga tiket itu sendiri mahal >.<
Mungkin kalau dipikir-pikir harganya memang tidak terlalu mahal dibanding tiket konser lainnya, tapi berhubung ini liburan jadi terlihat agak sangat mahal T_T
Jadilah aku tidak mau menonton konser.

Tapi, keberuntungan sedang memihakku lagi :D
Tepat jam 10 mama mendapat telepon dari Mbak Fitria, katanya..
"Mbak, ini ada tiket gratis nonton konsernya JKT48 nih. Dek desy sama dek aldo mau nggak? Kalau iya aku pesankan 5, sekalian buat dek Rachel"


Yaudah deh, jam 12 kami ber5 (aku, mama, dek aldo, dek rachel, dek clara) berangkat menuju Stasiun Sudirman, lalu naik bis menuju Halte Gelora Bung Karno dan menunggu dijemput Mbak Fitri untuk diantarkan ke Tennis Indoor Senayan.
Sebenarnya kami TERLAMBAT DATANG *nangis 7 hari 7 malam, tapi boong* dan kita sudah ketinggalan 2 lagu sepertinya.

Sebelum masuk, kami bertemu dulu dengan teman Mbak Fitria yang sudah pernah aku ceritakan juga sebelumnya, dia mengurus kedatangan kami lagi kali ini hehe *merepotkan*
Mau lihat tiket nya?
Mau lihat?
Beneran mau?
Haha ini dia~ Ja jannn~

Yup! Kami dapat tiket Festival!
Yeeeyyy! *sudah gratis, festival lagi, males banget deh!*
Haha maaf bukan bermaksud sombong, aku cuma pengen ngepost aja biar aku nggak lupa, karena ini adalah kali pertama aku menonton konser beginian -__-v

Kalau tanya, itu kenapa ada tulisan JFP Undangan. mungkin itu undangan buat Mbak Fit atau apalah, aku juga nggak tau huahahaha :p

Waktu sebelum konsernya selesai, ada pengumuman dari Jiro-san yang ditunjukkan lewat video, yaitu
JKT48 THE MOVIE!! Yeyyy! xD
Terus ada lagi nih, Pajama Drive Revival Show!
Ini para fans bisa memilih oshi nya buat tampil di Pajama Drive itu haha
Dan tentunya aku bakal milih Cindy :P

Okelah, sampai disini saja pertemuan kita kali ini.
Udah mulai ngantuk, dan..  capek ngetik >.<


My family's favorite JKT48 members
Rena and Cindy

Wednesday 19 June 2013

[ 真紅の音 -Think note- ] VOL 4: 20 years old

© yamadasu @tumblr

“As my 10th year in Johnny’s, I want to convey my gratitude.”

On May 9th, Yamada had his 20th birthday. Embracing the joy of becoming an adult, but realizing it also brings more responsibility. This should be a special year. Yamada is strongly moved by the feelings of gratitude. 


I was always really looking forward to become 20. When I was a Jr, I said in an interview that: “When I’m 20 years old, I’ll be 180 cm tall with an adult’s charm, and I’ll be really cool!” Well, I ended up becoming a 20-year-old quite different from my ideal, but now I’ve extended that to until I’m 23 (laugh). Now that I’ve become a so-called adult, the possibilities at work will get wider, and I can stay out late at night, I’m really glad about it. As a teen, even though I attended to a drama’s closing party, I had to go home straight after the party. Maybe they were just being polite, but the co-stars and staff said: “Since you’re the lead, come to the after-party as well”. So I felt really sorry that I had to go home. But from now on I don’t have to worry about it, and I can stay out  talking with the co-workers of the same project until the end. What I’m also looking forward to is going to dinner with senpais. During Johnny’s World, I got a mail from (Domoto) Koichi-kun that said: “When you turn 20, let’s go to dinner”. Since it would be a place to go with a fellow adult, there are things we could talk about. There are a lot of things I want to ask him about his thoughts on work-related things.

For me, a 20-year-old is a fine adult, who has to take responsibility for their words and actions. Honestly, because I’m an idol, there’s not just a little things you have to do, or shouldn’t say. I’m aware that I’m in a position where I might upset a lot of people just by a few words. Before, I made a careless comment that I like girls with short hair, and around three months later, I went on and said I like girls with long hair… I think I was just talking without thinking carefully, or was into the current trends. After that, I got a message for the Hey! Say! 7 radio show saying: “Since you said you like short hair, I cut mine”. It made me think that I should tell if my taste has changed, and I should think more before talking. Words can be a medicine to give people courage, or they can be a weapon to hurt them. That’s why I never want to hurt anyone with my words ever again. I want to become an adult, that takes responsibility for what he has said or done in the past.

It’s not just about taking responsibility for your actions, but it’s also important to cultivate your speech. Even though I’m already 20, I’m still not good at things like getting people excited during the concert MCs, or coming up with smart things to say at variety shows. I always thought that I can’t continue like this. This year in Johnny’s World, when I acted as an old man, I got to be in contact with the audience. It was really hard to ignore people if they said something to me, but I learned a lot doing an ad-lib talk at the audience alone for the 3 months. At New Year’s, I got to see Takizawa (Hideaki)-kun doing Johnny’s World, and (Nakayama) Yuma did my old man -role then. He was really good. Having a guy as skillful as him in the same group, NYC, feels very reassuring.

I was 11 years old when I joined the agency. This year isn’t only my 20th year as Yamada Ryosuke, but also, my 10th year as “Yamada Ryosuke of Johnny’s” is starting. I don’t know if I can realize them yet, so I can’t promise anything detailed, but I want to make this memorable year in a way that I can show my gratitude to the people who have supported me all along. This is the oath of the 20-year-old me.


“Words can kill people, and words can give people life. That’s why I want to become a person who can make people happy with words. That’s my goal.” - Ryosuke


JUMP ↔ Daftar kunjungan Johnny's

Aku datang membawa translate-an lagi nih hahaha
kali ini tentanggg... Ah, baca aja :p

JUMP ↔ ジャニーズ お宅訪問リスト 
Member Johnny's yang sudah pernah ke rumah mu?
Yabu Kota → inoo kei, arioka daiki, yaotome hikaru, okamoto keito, chinen yuri, nakajima yuto, kitayama hiromitsu, totsuka shota

Inoo Kei → arioka daiki, yaotome hikaru, yabu kota, tamamori yuta

Yaotome Hikaru → yabu kota, arioka daiki, inoo kei, chinen yuri

Okamoto Keito → nagano, hiroshi, ninomiya kazunari, matsumoto jun, yamada ryosuke, chinen yuri, arioka daiki, yabu kota, yaotome hikaru, nakajima yuto, inoo kei, takaki yuya, nakajima kento, sato shori

Takaki Yuya → yabu kota, arioka daiki, yaotome hikaru, tamamori yuta, okamoto keito


Yamada Ryosuke → yabu kota, arioka daiki, yaotome hikaru, okamoto keito, inoo kei

Arioka Daiki → yamada ryosuke, chinen yuri, okamoto keito, yabu kota, yaotome hikaru, inoo kei, takaki yuya, hashimoto ryosuke

Nakajima Yuto → yaotome hikaru, yamada ryosuke, yabu kota, arioka daiki, totsuka shota

Rumah member Johnny's yang sudah kamu datangi?
Yabu Kota → arioka daiki, yamada ryosuke, inoo kei, okamoto keito, yaotome hikaru, takaki yuya, nakajima yuto, kitayama hiromitsu, senga kento, wataru yokoo, kawai fumito, tsukada ryoichi

Inoo Kei → arioka daik, yamada ryosuke, okamoto keito, yaotome hikaru, nakajima yuto, yabu kota, tamamori yuta, nikaido takashi, senga kento

Yaotome Hikaru → arioka daiki, yamada ryosuke, inoo kei, okamoto keito, nakajima yuto, yabu kota, takaki yuya, senga kento

Okamoto Keito → taguchi junnosuke, takaki yuya, yabu kota, yamada ryosuke, arioka daiki

Takaki Yuya → kamenashi kazuya, okamoto keito, arioka daiki

Chinen Yuri → tanaka koki / juri, arioka daiki, yabu kota, yaotome hikaru, okamoto keito

Yamada Ryosuke → arioka daiki, okamoto keito, nakajima yuto

Arioka Daiki → yamada ryosuke, nakajima yuto, okamoto keito, yabu kota, inoo kei, yaotome hikaru, takaki yuya, tamamori yuta, nikaido takashi, senga kento, hashimoto ryosuke

Nakajima Yuto → yabu kota, okamoto keito, (Aku nggak bisa baca kanjinya ><)

Well, aku agak sedikit banyak kaget waktu baca BELUM ADA SATUPUN yang pernah kerumahnya Yuri T_T
Tapi, bener juga, aku jadi inget sama omongan dia di translate-an aku sebelumnya, 知念侑李@WINK UP4月号 (Trans) , kalau dia lebih suka ke rumah orang daripada orang2 yang main ke rumahnya hahaha

Saturday 15 June 2013




バカレア組すきだよみんなっ 幸せな1年になるといいね♡♡


これからもがんばってな((ヾ(∀´* ) ずっとずっと応援してる♡♡

 ┏┓┏┓。・゚゚・。。゚♡  ┃┗┛ appy  ┃┏┓┃ birth  ┗┛┗┛  day*゚   ♬。.。.☆。.。♬田中くん

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Sexy Zone - REAL SEXY! PV Making [Indo subs]

Hello, minnasan!
Today i bring you my first, very first project subbing yeaayy! :D
Finally it's already finished! Yattaaaa~
Kali ini aku mencoba untuk membuat sub Indonesia dari Real Sexy! PV Making hehe
Tapi mohon maaf kalau masih banyak kesalahan, karena ini project pertama saya :)

RAW: HERE! (credit: deslycious)

Direkomendasikan agar mendownload FONTPACK agar font yang muncul juga sesuai dengan yang sudah saya buat ^^

oke sekian dulu, semoga bermanfaat ^^
Please yonda&comment if you take this! :)
Salam sabonen!!
(c) JE_YOSAI@LJ a.k.a @Sarachii

ハッピーバースデイ、 ジェシー!!

今日 ジェシーの誕生日やん!!!!


ハッピーバースデイ、 ジェシー!!❤
生まれてきてくれてありがとう ジェシーに出会えてよかった!

ドラマ2本やらイロイロありそうな夏を楽しみにしてるよ♪( ´▽`)
お仕事頑張ってくださいネ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪

最後にもう一度 ジェシーおめでとう!!!( ´∀`)σ)∀`)

 ┏┻┓⌒⌒⌒⌒★ ┏┻・・┻┓ HappyBirthday!!! ┗━━━┛ ★・。⌒⌒⌒

Monday 3 June 2013

知念侑李@WINK UP4月号 (Trans)

Hello ^^
Today i've translated Wink Up April 2013!
But only Yuri's part muehehe :D
Kenapa aku nge-post ini? Karena aku pikir, ada sebagian tentang dia yang mirip sama kebiasaanku LMAO!
Iya, Yuri ngomongin soal "free theme" yang dikasih sama WU itu sendiri dan sama kesehariannya dia.
Yang aku Bold-in itu yang mirip sama kebiasaanku ya hehe
So, どうぞ!

Hari ini temanya bebas!?.... Hmmm, itu menggangguku (tertawa). Karena JUMP punya banyak member, jadi kami selalu diberi tema untuk sebuah artikel di majalah. Sebenarnya, aku suka berbicara. Aku akan bersembunyi di belakang member lain, dan kemudian aku akan berbicara pada waktu yang tepat, itulah kekuatanku (tertawa). Sejak dulu, aku lemah saat di interview. Aku tidak tahu apakah semua yang aku katakan itu bagus atau tidak. Saat itu, aku tidak pernah berpikir tentang apa yang harus aku tulis. Saat aku ditanya [Apa yang kamu lakukan di hari libur?], tidak baik kan bila aku selalu menjawab [Aku akan tidur di rumah. Dan kadang-kadang membaca buku] (tertawa) (T/N: kita punya kebiasaan sama kalo libur ya HAHAHA). Diantara para member, sepertinya Hikaru-lah yang paling baik saat di interview. Dia punya banyak hobi dan pengetahuan, kalau itu aku, aku cuma bisa mengingat sedikit dari kehidupanku yang menarik. Lalu, Yuuya suka berbicara. Karena dia sering pergi ke laut atau makan makanan lezat, dia memiliki banyak topik! Tadi aku bilang kalau aku tidak suka interview, tapi sebenarnya aku lebih tidak suka dengan photoshoot (tertawa). Kalaupun ketika aku sudah memasuki ruangan foto, aku tidak tahu harus berpose seperti apa. Karena itu aku lebih senang saat camera-man membimbingku tentang bagaimana berpose. (T/N: aku pernah ngerasain hal sama! Tapi sayang, bapaknya nggak mau ngajarin zz). Kadang-kadang, ada waktu dimana aku harus memilih bajuku sendiri saat foto, aku merasa gugup. Karena aku tidak tahu banyak tentang fashion, dan aku tidak bisa berpose dengan baik, maka jadilah pose yang tidak diinginkan (tertawa). Tambahan, karena aku itu orangnya pemalu, biasanya aku harus bersama dengan orang lain (laugh). Tapi kalau ada penata rias dan orang yang aku kenal, aku merasa lebih tenang.

Sekarang, berbicara tentang kebiasaanku belakangan ini (tertawa), aku sudah membeli barang-barang untuk Survival Game! JUMP member yang bermain SG meningkat, dan semuanya berkata [Ini menarik!], dan akhirnya aku selalu bermain SG. Lalu, karena belakangan ini orang-orang yang bermain [Survival game untuk perempuan] juga meningkat, jadi semuanya, tolong coba bermain itu ya? Selain Survival Game, saat aku tidak punya sesuatu yang harus dilakukan, aku akan berada di rumah (tertawa). Eh, apakah kamu berpikir lebih baik untuk menelpon seseorang? Tidaaakkk~,Kalau aku harus memilih, aku lebih suka bermain ke rumah orang daripada memanggil orang ke rumahku. (T/N: Kalau yang ini, BEDA BANGET SAMA AKU! *cry*). Diantara para member, aku paling tertarik dengan Inoo Kei-chan. Aku tidak bisa membayangkan kamarnya, kamar murid rajin yang mejanya penuh dengan buku-buku arsitek atau malah kamar dengan komik-komik yang berserakan di lantai... Aku penasaran! Saat konser, dia mengerjakan skripsi. Setelah konser, dia pergi ke universitasnya dan belajar sampai pagi. Meskipun demikian, dia tetap bisa menjadi Inoo Kei seperti biasanya saat dia datang ke tempat konser tanpa mengantuk dan rasa malas. Inoo Kei-chan adalah orang yang berjuang dengan baik, aku terkesan dengannya.

Hehehe maaf kalau bahasanya jelek ya :p

Nggak papa kamu pemalu, kamu nggak pinter ngomong, kamu nggak bisa berpose keren, it won't affect my feeling for you.
Karena aku suka kamu yang selalu menjadi diri sendiri sampai sekarang ini.

Sunday 2 June 2013



Today is 2nd June, 2013!
Which means, my Yuri and my oniichan, Dai-nyan enter their 10th years in J&A!
おめでとう!♪( ´▽`)

Can't believe it's already their 10th years, though i just knew them for almost 1,5 years :')

You know, aku mengenal kalian dari dorama Scrap Teacher.
Aku menyukai kalian beberapa hari setelah menonton Scrap Teacher.
Dengan pemikiran awal, kalau aku nggak bakal "jatuh cinta" sampai segila ini sama kalian berdua, apalagi JUMP.
Ternyata aku salah.
I've made a big mistake.

Kalianlah yang membuat hidupku lebih berwarna dari sebelumnya.
I've never felt become a crazy fangirl before, even with Westlife or A7X.
The feeling i have for JUMP and for you two, are really different.
It's like, i put all of my life and heart for you guys.
And so you do.

I don't regret i know you all, i'll regret if that time i keep saying "NO" for knowing JUMP.
And i'm not shy being a JUMPer or Hikka called us with Tobikko.
I really proud of it.
Even my friends call me a freak, even people think i have my own world, and even the world is going to be ruin, i don't care!
Maybe you guys think i keep saying a BULLSHIT in here, but this is what i feel about them.

Thank you for bringing me a lot of happinesses in my lives!
Thank you for everything you guys have given to me, for every smiles and laughs, for every joys, for every single sweats you've given out, and for your love for us, fans.

Keep smile, keep fighting, and keep being Yuri and Dai-nyan whom i've known for all this time.
And i'll keep loving you guys and JUMP, from the deepest place in my heart

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Diponegoro University, there i'll go!

Finally, my journey's already over!
After a long-very long wait, Jesus finally showed me the way, thanks God! *deep bow*
So let me share you little things, but sorry if there'll be so many error grammatical.

You know, i'd already enrolled in some universities, like President University, Binus University, Astra Manufacture School, Panti Wilasa Academy of Midwifery, and stuff.
No mean to swank, but the truth is all universities which was i enrolled in had accepted me.
But... I did resignation.
Why? You ask me why?
President University had me pay 250m rupiahs for the fee, Binus University and Panti Wilasa Academy of Midwifery had me pay at least 20m rupiahs for the verification fee!
Oh gawd, if i was a millionaire, i'll pay it all, ALL!!
But unfortunately, i'm not *cry*

At first, i really got pesimist, and i once thought of what if i look for a job, and not going to university.
My mom accepted it, but my dad.. He said to wait for SNMPTN announcement.

Looking back, i'd bravely enrolled in Indonesia University and Diponegoro University for my SNMPTN with my not-really-good-and-not-really-bad scores. And, on 27th May the result was finally out!
I opened SNMPTN's website with my mom and lil brother, obviously, pounding all the time. I said to my mom, ''say if i'm not accepted, promise me you won't get angry or sad k?'' and my mom nodded slowly.

Punctually at 4p.m o'clock, i opened the web. And.. I inserted my registration number also my birthdate, then.... I read many words like this...

That was what i thought.
And my mom.. Hugged me and cried, she said she was really proud of me. ''finally'' that was she sigh.

Actually, i really wanna study in UI, because this year my family will move to Jakarta, to get close with my dad.
But i know, Jesus has me to study in Undip, so yeah.. I'll be okay here alone *almost cry*

Jesus knows best for us, His way is more great than ours. A deep thankyou goes to my Father, Jesus Christ for giving me chance, and I won't waste this once-in-a-lifetime-chance.

Thank you Lord! (*^▽^*)

Sunday 26 May 2013

The Loveydovey at The Aquarium 【Hey! Say! 7】

Today i bring you JUMP's tranlation from POPOLO, July 2013!
JUMP's ideal plans for their aquatic dates (beach, waterfall, aquarium etc)
So here we go~ First with Hey! Say! 7 's part


Loveydovey at the aquarium Relaxing at the beach or by a river
[Splashing underneath a waterfall, strengthening the bond between the two]
We present each of the 9 member’s plans for their aquatic dates!


Yamada Ryosuke: My date plan is...
[A date at Enoshima] (T/N: A small island by the Sagami bay)

4:30am: Pick her up by car

I’ll go pick her up by car early in the morning

5:30am: Watch the sunrise at Enoshima

We’ll wake up really early because we want to see the morning sunrise. We’ll sit at the beach and gaze at the sunrise together.

10:00am: We’ll eat pancakes

Well be hungry after being deeply moved by the sunrise. Thats why; well go eat delicious pancakes. Well go line up for a popular shop that has them. Itll be extremely delicious

12:00pm: We’ll go to the beach again

We’ll go to the beach again and walk around for around an hour. Even though I ate a lot of pancakes, I’ll probably end up getting hungry again (laughs)

1:00pm (13:00): Raw Shirasu bowl lunch! (T/N: anchovies)

We’ll eat raw shirasu bowls. Because she’ll probably get full, I’ll also go ahead and eat her share. After that, we’ll go back to the beach again and take a walk.

2:00pm (14:00): Stroll around the Enoshima aquarium

She’ll finally get a bit sleepy at the beach….(laughs) After that, we head towards the aquarium! We’ll look at the various creatures there and have a great time.

5:00pm (17:00): We leave Enoshima

After leaving the aquarium, I’ll take her back home by car! Because we woke up early, we’d probably want to go back home early, but it’s fine isn’t it? We’ll say bye-bye as I drop her off at her house.

7:00pm (19:00): We’ll go our own way once we reach her house

[This is OK for today!]


I love white knit shirts
Because we’re going to the beach, something easy to move in like jeans, a white knitted blouse and sneakers are good. Personally, I love white knit shirts (laughs)

What to bring:
You don’t need anything! Why? Because I’ll be carrying everything.

Profile: Yamada Ryosuke, May 9th 1993, Born in Tokyo, Blood type, B.

Chinen Yuri: My date plan is...
[Fall in love at the bottom of a waterfall!]

9:00am: We’ll join up at the airport and head towards Canada’s Niagara falls. Here’s where our tour starts!

7:00am: (Time of arrival in Canada due to time difference) Arriving at Toronto Airport

We’ll eat a chicken meal inside the plane, we’ll take our time to rest and charge up our energy then we’ll arrive in Canada. Then together with her, we’ll prepare ourselves as we head towards the waterfalls.

8:00am:  Head towards Niagara Falls without stopping

Because both love and waterfalls are dangerous, instead of going off through the wild to the falls, we’ll take a taxi that’ll take us there.

10:00am: Take a boat that takes us to the waterfall’s basin

Honestly, I want to go into the waterfall, but if we can’t then it’s fine just visiting the bottom of it. The strength of the falling water would turn me into a stronger man and her into a stronger woman. Our bond connecting the two of us would grow stronger.

3:00pm (15:00): Once we’re satisfied with the waterfalls; “Alrighty! Let’s go home!”

Once our goal to feel and experience a waterfall is accomplished, we can go home right away (laughs) Because we’ll be refreshed, it’ll feel like our relationship would get a new fresh beginning.

5:00pm (17:00): (Japan Time) Returning safely

We’ll have our meal on the plane as we fly back then we’ll watch an action movie together. The result of the waterfalls is that our love will have deepened because of it. Even if we’re sleeping, the feelings will continue to flow.

7:00pm (19:00): We both go our own separate ways after eating traditional Japanese food!

After returning home from abroad, it’s got to be Japanese food (laughs) After eating we’ll simply say “Thanks for today!” and part ways.

[This is OK for today!]

Clothing that is OK to get wet in
A pink shirt, with blue shorts and sandals.

What to bring:
*She needs to be prepared to face a waterfall

Profile: Chinen Yuri
November 30th, 1993, Shizuoka, Blood type : AB

Nakajima Yuto: My date plan is...
[An active commoner’s date] (T/N: Normal people date)

11:00am: We’ll meet up at a train station that is mutually close to one another’s homes. Even if she’s a bit late, I’ll calmly wait!

12:00pm: Arrive at the aquarium. Have lunch at one of the inside restaurants.

A buffet would nice. Id like to have a conversation with her like Ahh, Ive gotten this much food I wanted to try that too~ Then, Ill give it to you

1:00pm (13:00): Explore the facility

If something is going to be done, then I want it to be fun. That’s why I want to do something common like watch the dolphin shows where they’re splashing about. I also want us to participate in feeding the fish!

2:00pm (14:00): Take a break. Have some crepes at a crepe stand.

I want to order a strawberry cheese cake crepe. Except, mine won’t have whipped cream on it.

5:00pm (17:00): Leave the aquarium

After taking a break, we’ll walk through every single corner that we missed. Then, after getting the satisfaction of watching jellyfish float about, we’ll leave with those remaining feelings.

6:00pm (18:00): Dinner at an Italian restaurant

We’ll go and take a seat at the area that takes advantage of the indirect lighting from the tanks. We’ll talk about what happened throughout the day as we stuff our mouths with pizza.

7:00pm (19:00): Go back home on the train

Instead of going by car, since our homes are towards the same direction, we’ll part ways at the train station. Although separating will be difficult, we’ll see each other off.

[This is OK for today!]

For shoes, it’ll be sneakers that are easy to move in. Wearing tight jeans, a t-shirt with a rock band print and a carding will be a plus.

What to bring:
*Hand towel

Nakajima Yuto: August 10th, 1993, Born in Tokyo, Blood type: A

Okamoto Keito: My date plan is...
[H2O Date]

2:00pm (14:00): Pick her up by car
Because I’m bad with waking up early in the morning, I rather wake up in the afternoon and go pick her up afterwards at her house by car.

2:30pm (14:30): Late lunch. Once we’re done eating, we head to the beach
On our way to the beach, we’ll stop by a ramen shop and have a lunch that’s a tad bit late.

4:00pm (16:00): Travel to Chiba’s ocean, gaze at the sunset
If we headed towards the beach at Chiba, we’d wonder around till evening. I want to run in high spirits throughout the water. Just before the day ends, I want to sit for a bit at the shore and watch the sunset together. It’ll be so perfect that we’d be able to hear the sound of the sun falling down into the ocean.

6:00pm (18:00): A meal at a café
Because It’ll be the evening by the then, I want to go to a stylish beach house kind of café and have dinner there. I can’t eat seafood but I want my girlfriend to be able to eat it.

7:00pm (19:00): Relaxing in a steamy onsen
If we end up with our tummies full from eating, how does a long awaited onsen sound like? If we bathe in the hot water, I think our feelings of happiness would grow.

8:00pm (20:00): I’ll drive my girlfriend home
I’ll drive her all the way to her house.  But, I’m sure she’ll definitely fall asleep on our way back. But going home while getting to see her cute sleeping face will be great!

[This is OK for today!]

Overall, a neat and tidy look
For me, if it’s a beach date, then an overall look that I’d want on her would be a white coordinated outfit! It would be a white dress and beach sandals. It’s a kind of outfit with a feel that would suit the beach atmosphere.

What to bring:
*Feelings! (laughs)

Profile: Okamoto Keito, April 1st, 1993, Born in Tokyo, Blood type:O

Finisheddddd ^^
The next is Hey! Say! BEST 's part~
But i'm too lazy to write the post, so you can read the BEST's part in HERE !
sorry yaa >.<